Saturday, September 18, 2010

eid ul fitr

salam smua..first skali sy mntak maap dkat angah n aimy coz pkai title korg..hehe..
(lacking of idea..what to do??)
smalam sy x smpat update belog sy coz peeenaattt glleeerrr..fuhh!!
i arrive at my home at 10 o'clock..(malam lerr..)bcoz of my pown trtido dgn sndiriknyer..
nasib bek dh solat isyak, bwatnye klu sy mati malam tuh!! nauzubillah..
bley dkatakan jadual sy full gler smalam..
4rom mownink..smbutan raya at school!! ( gram ngan teah n izzah psl absent)
rmai gler yg absent skull causing dewan mnjadi luas dn student x lg brasak-asak spt biase..
sy pown trkrzut pd mulanya..but that's what happen...
food..smua sodap2!! klu boleh,smua sy nak makan tp,mmikirkn perut yg smakin membesar..
trpaksalah tgguhkn dlu hajat tuh..itu pown makan smpai x igt dunia..slagi mkanan ada di depan sy,slagi tulah sy sumbatkn lam mulot niyh..n lastly,ktorg capture pix,cam akuwh x brfungsi ngan baek pd awalnya,bila dh nk blek br dya function properly..
antara pix yg smpat sy capture...

candid pix of town n fiqah..hehe..

formal..keke..btw,tin, where r u???

friends 4 ever...yeah!!*tin missing again*

ade yg bc doa..ada jgak yg peace..

dmikianlh event raya yg brlngsung smalam..
lpas jew blek skull tros gi rumah mak..(mak niyh my babysitter 4rom kecik smpai beso..)
beraya kt umah mak dpt DUIT RAYA!!!kekeke..
yg beshnyer mak boowat curry ayam yg sudah lama sy idmkn..thanks mak!!
after dat,went 4 my 2syen class..
n at night ada majlis bacaan yasin n solat hajat 4 my bro...(skull dya yg anjurkn)
as i will facing my exam dis tuesday..its good 4 me 2 join them..
fuhh!!akhirnyer,selesai sdah event sy dlm satu hari..
hoping today i would study harder n thp maksimum gler..
ya allah,prmudhknlah urusanku..
"fortune knock once at every man's door"
"setiap orang ada peluang untuk berjaya"
gud luck!!study hard!! salam...

Thursday, September 16, 2010


what a fierce topics!! trial is on dis tuesday...
tkowt siot!!!
cekgu ckp, klu x dpt rsult elok lam trial sush nk apply UPU..
ouh,sushnyer cm niyh,
my dream is 2 get UPU..
is my preparation enough 4 me??
iqlima!!u yg tnya..jwblar sndirik!!!
ntah!! ya allah..bntulah aku hmbamu yg lemah ini..
umi ckp..aku harapn kluarga..contoh kt adek2..
bley kew aku buktikn kt umi?? insyallah iqlima..
truskn brusaha!! n last skali tawakal kpd allah..
"nothing ventured,nothing gained"!!
"untuk berjaya pasti ada risiko"
p/s: peribahsa niyh moto hidup saye....
2 all my fwens..gud luck!! doakan kjayaan kita brsama..
2 my sis..just 3 weeks 2 go b4 ur exam!!! study hard..
2 my bro..wish u luck dis tuesday in ur UPSR..i will always pray 4 u..

Saturday, September 11, 2010

AYAM or ARNAB 2nd entry huh??yes..
malas gler nk update..
n rasenyer dis is my 2nd tyme post sumthin..keke..
now is holiday..ckp psl holiday..BOWINK!!
trial next week..what i've done??
brblk pd title..on the 3rd day of holiday we went back 2 hometown..(we here means my family)
on da highway,we met wif a lorry bring a lot of ayam..
btw,what eisya told me"along..lorry tuh bawak byk sgt ARNAB.." n i was like..huh??????
what is da similarity between AYAM n ARNAB???
my sis really freaking me out..
after dat, we arrived n opah made a lot of buah melaka coz she know all her cucu sgt suka mkn buah melaka tuh..n what eisya told me.."along..kuih niyh sedap..dalam dya ada KICAP.."
perghh!! KICAP!! n i cuma mampu b'kata"btuah punya adik.."
dah tuh..cntinue study..keke..TRIAL3X!!!