Sunday, October 20, 2013

the guys thing

Assalamualaikum wbt..
heheh..what a topic?! dis time..i rasa like wanna said bout this guys topic NOT bcoz i ad trpikat ngan memane guys or i 'ter'fall in love with somebody..nope..nope..

the reason r :
1) rmai kwan i yg suffer sbb guys
2) rmai kwan i yg bhagia sbb guys
3) rmai kwan i yg  trnanti-nanti prince charming msg2 smbil brcakap2 tntangnya dganku hampir stiap   hari..alahai...
3) rmai kwan i yg dok suka kat laki tuh tapi xtau nak ckap mcm mana then dok wat angau x sudah2 smpai i pon naek lembik melihatnyer
5) rmai kwan i yg suka ckap psal jodoh..huh

so, ksimpulannya kat sini most of the people around me r connected to the living things ciptaan Allah called "lelaki". haha! i pon connected gak! tapi xdelah mcm ciri2 kat ats nuh haa..skadar brcnnected utk blajar(eg;assignment),plan sumthing(sbb akal guys nyh gila2 sket),n brcerita mgkin(best jer dgar cite msg2,kongsi pngalaman lah ktekan..).

apa yg membuatkn i trdetik untuk mnulis post ini ialah krana aku asyik mndgar mereka2 brkata2 tntang golongan ini..huh..sudahlah yg sweetnyer mmang sweet mcm strawberry ttapi yg pahitnyer lbeyh pahit dari raw coffee..perhh! and.. what makes me wonder is the guys thing nyh mmang sgat memberi ksan yg mndalam kpada gurls2 kat luar sana nun!

then, what i found i truslah mulakan misi meng 'google' about this topic.. skadar utk mnambah pengetahuan yg sedia ad cetek nyh..(chet!~ gtau jela pdahal dh hbes final exam n xde keje dh kn nak wat?) haha..'s what i've got bout guys :
1- Guys nyh suka ckap psal gurls lbeyh drpd gurls yg suka ckap psai guys..*scary..
2- Bila one guys interested into a girl, he definetely would ignore all the bad characteristic bout that girl
3- Maybe uolls slalu jmpa guys yg suka flirting, ngorat sana-sini but believe it they only think bout the gurls yg dorang btol2 sweet..@#$%^&
4- Guys hate gurls yg overreact (^_^)
5- Most guys lbeyh serious in a relationship than gurls..hmm
6- Bila a guys look at u more than a second, he must be thinking of something..ewah2
7- Guys x cnsider height of pompuan, tp dya cnsider gurls pnya weight! perhhh..!mesti kuros uolls! (ini tidak relevan..ngeh)

Nah..dat's 7 things that i've found bout the guys thing...hehehe.. dis is the backdated entry senanye..ble bkak blek draft bwu tgok byak jgak coretan yg x terpost kat sini hah!! yg zaman spm dedulu pon ad haaa.... so, have a nice reading uolls...waakakaka... (ayat brlagak feymes cm ramai follower jerk)
p/s : i miss my mashoorianz gurls lah....^_^
Sekian..Assalamualaikum...have a nice day!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

extra ordinary

Assalamualaikum wbt..
well, hello everyone..just wanna share sumthin here..
regarding the tittle post..its actually a song lyrics..
seyesly i'm very touched with the lyrics at this moment..
here they r.. extra ordinary by lucy hale

I'm imprisoned, I'm living a lie
Another night of putting on a disguise
I wanna tear it off and step in the light
Don't you, don't you?

So now I'm knocking at your front door
And I'm looking for the right cure
I'm still a little bit unsure
'Cause I know,
Yeah I know

That most people see me as ordinary
But if you look close you'll find I'm very
Interesting and hard to know
You can never tell where this might go
'Cause I'm not your average, average person
I don't know much, but I know for certain
That I'm just a little bit extra, extra
I'm just a little bit extra ordinary

I can see it from the spark in your eyes
You believe in all the things you deny
You wanna fly and leave your worries behind
Don't you, don't you?

Well now I'm knocking at your front door
And I'm looking for the right cure
I'm still a little bit unsure
'Cause I know,
Yeah I know

That most people see me as ordinary
But if you look close you'll find I'm very
Interesting and hard to know
You can never tell where this might go
'Cause I'm not your average, average person
I don't know much, but I know for certain
That I'm just a little bit extra, extra
I'm just a little bit extra ordinary

The lyrics yang sgat mnyentuh my heart is the verse" most people see me as ordinary,but if you look close you'll find i'm very interesting and hard to know.." feel free to hear this beautiful song @ you tube here's the link.. or you can download the full movies another cinderella story : once upon a song..
bye..have a nice day..Assalam

Sunday, March 31, 2013

hectic week!~

Asslamualaikum everyone..
uwaaa..seyesly dis week is really stressed me out!
1st things..assignment yg masih belum selesai ditambah pula dengan grup assignment yg jumlahnya sgatlah banyak lolz! and another things yg mnambah kepenatan pula ialah archery tournament yg diwakili oleh i dengan jayanya..hak3!
hal2 ini masih belum ditambah dengan rentetan2 hidup yang penuh dengan asam garamnya..(ouh..ayat..)
but, despite all the caca merba yang menghiasi dis week..iqlima telah berjaya menharunginya dengan baik sekali!..hahahaha~~ SYABAS! gud job!~ hohoho..(nampak x keriakannya di situ..fuhh)
Alhamdulillah,my archery team won this time..tenkiu very very much to my clique yg sgat setia aka supportive..tasya,wardah,nadiyah,syida and performance dat day xdaklah bgos sgat pon..waktu perform sufa lagi gmpak kot! heheh..tapi dsebabkn kwan2 yang hebat2 belaka, maka kami pun dpat meninggalkan pesaing di bwah..huu..
lega jugak dis week after my econs grup bleyh selesaikan melakukan survey kami di sekitar nilai nyh haa..
sambil2 survey tuh curi lah tulang jgak.ala,once in a lifetime..(erk??!)
In conclusion,thank u Allah for let me go through my life with such a wonderful experience.. segala yang berlaku 2 my life adlah dengan izinnya juga dan kepadanya jugalah aku berserah..sesungguhnya dialah pemilik segala-galanya..Keep have faith in him..
Minggu nyh..balekkk!! hah! penang..wait for me..dh lama x blek.homesick jgak lah kot...(huh..ngada, bkan dok oversea pon) wakakaka..
 Padang journey begins here..( May allah ease..)

My archery clique yg setia..wardah!~ hoho

  Ini lah yg dkatakan curi tulang haa..alah..mkan snogurt je pun!

 sambil2 survey..capture one! peace~!

x leyh ckap!~ mmang sdap..marvellous..

Thursday, March 21, 2013

fuuhhh!!! piuhhh!!

Assalamualaikum everyone.. yeah..i'm alive..still alive..haha saje tiup kat ats uh coz i knoe dat my blog is currently sgat2 brdebu n brhabuk n sewaktu dgnnya.. haha.. tetibe trgerak hati nyh nak tgok2 ap dh jadi kat belog yg sduah lama dtinggalkn ini.. ouh..x byak yg berubah..mmang x berubah pon!! sgat lah merindun detik2 waktu menulis dulu..huhu my last post was on 28 february 2012..and was 21 march 2013..!!! what a freak??! kalau bela ayam pon mesti dh branak-pinak daa.. so, what happen to me? haha..i'm still da same person..still healthy n cute n pretty..(erkk?!) da only reason that i'm not writing is dat.. SAYA SGATLAH PEMALEH..!! wakakaka eleh, belog je pun..bkan tesis ke assignment ke.. follower pon bkannye rmai ngat pun..(kecoh jew) btw,lets start the engine..and fly to paris.(erk?!) start our day in a better way..hoping my life would still be fantastic and wonderful.. with lots of memoirs and always smile and be patient.. stay strong and move forward.. don't lose hope and have faith in whatever u did troughout ur life.. kehidupan saya hari ini sgat2 lah sibuk dengan assignment bagai and others commitment.. apepom,i just hope dat everything would settle easily and may Allah bless me and all of us.. thanks.. regards,iqlima balqis bt adham..assalam